Monday, April 7, 2008

It's like Madame Tussauds

Have you ever been to a Madame Tussaud's joint where you see what looks like Betty Ford or Margaret Thatcher and you walk up and read the nametag and it says "Princess Diana" or "Barbra Streisand" or something shocking like that and you think OMG who is doing the sculpting here and are they blind?
Well..check out this comparison pic of Tonner's "Elizabeth Swan" (I'm makin' big dramatic air quotes here, folks) with a pic from the movie. Now...when did Keira Knightly grow a widow's peak? Uhm, she didn't.
See, looking at this doll is like going to Madame Tussaud's tourist trap wax locale and thinking you are looking at Celine Dion. Why would Celine be wearing a 17th century gown? I don't know and frankly I don't care, but she is. And then you read the name placard and it's KEIRA KNIGHTLY and you think NO IT IS NOT - IT IS CELINE DION before she got weirdly skinny and wrinkled post-baby cloning/birth.
To be honest, that is the one thing I love about wax museums - is guessing who is who. Love it.
Thanks for the good times, Tonner Co.

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